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วัสดุทนไฟ อิฐทนไฟ ฉนวนกันความร้อน เซรามิคส์ไฟเบอร์ ปูนทนไฟ เตาหลอม เตาอบ

What is Asbestos ?



Group of 6 types natural born Silicate which be used in commercial term as its’ good specific property. Asbestos crystal is the long fiber (ratio 1:20 by length). Asbestos contamination by air breathing for long term can be lung disease cause, frequently found in asbestos mine’s employees. Asbestos is famous in products producer and constructors, because its sound insulation, strength, refractory, heat resistance, electric resistance, chemical resistance and economical property. Asbestos is used as electric insulation in electric furnace and indoor heat insulation, in case of being made refractory or heat insulation always mix with cement or make it into blanket and sheet shape.

European Union bans asbestos usage, included its’ mining, producing and reprocessing while some developed countries realize asbestos’s hazard and issue asbestos’ usage controlling laws in case by case basis.

Source 2009 Russia is the biggest producer (50%) runner up is China (14%) Brazil (12.5%) Kazakhstan (10.5%) and Canada (9%).

Asbestos Types

There are 2 types of Asbestos are Amphiboles and Serpentine which can be divided to 6 subgroup as

1. Amphiboles Group  5 types : Crocidolite, Amosite, Tremolite, Anthophyllite) and Actinolite

2. Serpentine Group : Chrysotile

Difference between Amphiboles and Serpentine

1. 2 Types asbestos have the different property by their fiber structures as below 

1.1. Amphiboles is mono fiber, cylinder shape   

1.2. Serpentine is strand fiber like rope contains various sub fibers. Chrysotile in Serpentine group and Amphiboles have different chemical components so their left and disintegrate in human body and health side effect property are totally different as well.

2. Difference of health effect between asbestos types

Chrysotile has less left ratio in living bodies and also lower chance of healthy disease less than Anphiboles  

Amosite and Crocidolite if contaminate into lung when compare with Chrysotile, lung tissue cancer occurring ratio would be 100 times and 500 times more respectively and lung cancer occurring ratio 10 times and 50 times more respectively. Less or more hazard cause from Fiber structure and bio-durability of each type of Asbestos.

Chrysotile has very high ratio of solubility and least rate of bio-persistent fiber while glass and rock fibers are the most. Chrysotile has bio-persistence ratio less than ceramic and glass fibers  (Reference: Hesterberg and team – 1998) and quite much less than Amphiboles. For proving this theory EC establishes the committee for Asbestos contamination in breathing system educating for 5 days, hence rechecks lung condition for 1 year. (Report of Bernstein & Riego – Sintes 1999) found that longer than 20 Micron fiber would be 50% removed from human body during few to 100 days approximately.




Reference https://th.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%A3%E0%B9%88%E0%B9%83%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%B4%E0%B8%99